Thursday, 30 August 2007

Sean - DRAFT

After living in Holland for 11 years, my parents gave the news that we were going to Mexico. My sister and I were really sad because we didn't want to leave our home country, but my parents had the choice, we didn't.

After a few months the ship ment had arrived to take all our stuff to Mexico. They had taken nearly everything. The only things that were left behind were the curtains and the sofa. We stayed 2 weeks more in Holland with nothing else than a box made table and some matrases. Finally we arrived in Mexico. One month later we had to start school.

The first day of school was very interesting. My sister and I entered the school, we didn'tknow what to do. We saw all the children standing and talking to eachother on a court. We asked ourselves: What on earth??!! When we finally found a teacher she told us what to do. When I finally got to the place where all the year seven children were, I stood alone. Then finally a boy shows up (Samer), and says: "Hey, are you new?" I said yes, and that was the first word I spoke to an Edron student. Samer was also new, thats why the question. Then we had to all line up and sing a song for the Mexican flag. I didn't know anything about that, because we don't do that in Holland. When school had finished my sister and I talked about the experience we had that day. My father also thought it was weird singing a song for a flag, but my mum said it is a tradition in Mexico.

We stayed for 2 months with my grandparents. When finally 2 months later the ship ment had arrived from Holland adn we could finally live in our own house.

The song that makes me feel happy but at the same time sad is:

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